Latest News
The latest news, teaching videos and posts from the Skyline Country Cloggers.
Chiles Peach Festival 2021
A few photos from one of our favorite places to dance: Chiles Peach Festival (August 2021)
Best Day Ever
Teaching videos for Best Day Ever
Music: Sly & Family Stallone; Choreography: Darolyn Pchajek, Dare to Clog.
Rum & Coca Cola
Music: Rum & Coca Cola
Artist: Tim Tim
Choregraphy: Barry Welch
National Dance List
Ballroom Blitz
Ballroom Blitz. Music by Sweet; Choreography by Josh King.
Level: Easy Intermediate
Wantin’ and Havin’ it All
Wantin’ and Havin’ it All
Artist: Sawyer Brown
Choreography: Scotty Bilz, Chip Summey, Becca White
Level: Advanced
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Artist: Toontasitcs (Cartoons)
Choreography: Lois Bridges and Naomi Fleetwood-Pyle
Part of the National Dance List
How to install Clogging Taps
While we do not require clogging shoes for beginner class, clogging taps help you hear your footwork and make it easier to learn.
Fiddler’s Despair
Fiddler’s Despair; Artitst: Natalie MacMaster & Donnel Leahy; Album: One; Choreography: Andy Howard, Level: Intermediate Plus (Fast)
Wren in the Furze
Wren in the Furze
Choreography: Becca White
Skyline Country Cloggers
Level – Advanced
Teaching videos for Posin. Music: Peggy Suave (Electric Swing) Choreography by Shane Gruber
Shady Grove
Shady Grove by Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder; Choreography: Becca White, Skyline Country Cloggers
Trashin’ the Camp
Trashin the Camp – Teaching Videos
Music: Trashin the Camp; Tarzan Movie Soundtrack
Choreography modified from Yellow Rose Cloggers of Ohio by Krisan Marotta Skyline County Cloggers